Monthly Archives: October 2009

Diss Quilt Show


Today I drove out to Diss to see the Quilt Show.  I was not sure what to expect, but I can honestly say I was certainly NOT disappointed!!  I never shopped except for a christmas stocking kit I bought for Luke, which I need to make up!  Yes another christmas project!

The quilts on display were absolutely gorgeous, and I now realised, that whilst I think everyone was lovely in its own way, there is certainly a style I prefer!  Here are some pictures of what I took today!

P1030273 P1030278 P1030287

P1030307 P1030280 P1030293


These are just a few!  I came back totally inspired to create!  The knowledge that was available was awesome.  A very kind lady explained hexagons to me, how to cut and sew and the secretary of the club spent a good amount of time talking to me, for which I am totally grateful!

Thaank you for the wonderful day!

Next weekend, I am hoping to attend the Quilt Festival in Linton!

New craft learnt…………..


Patchwork and Quilting!!!

After many years of toying with the idea of learning patchwork and quilting, and what I would use it for, I got that chance to attend a beginners course, close to home, at a lovely shop called East Coast Quilting,

I absolutely loved the course, and whilst I never got to actually finish the quilt, I only have the quilting and binding to do and it is done!  So here is my work so far :

P1030263 My fabric selection, the floral squares is my main theme, the pink and green are for the 3.5″ squares, the teal checked is for the borders and the solid teal is for the backing!

P1030265 My 6.5″ and 3.5″ squares all cut and ready to be assembled!

P1030266 All the squares from another angle!

P1030267 3.5″ squares assembled into 6″ squares!

P1030269 The quilt so far!  I am thrilled how it has all come together!  I have just the quilting and binding to do and it is done!

I am sure this will not be the last and rather the first of many!

I did it!


Sunday 11th October 2009 and I completed a 2.5kms Fun Run today and am thrilled!  I had set myself the goal of finishing it in 25mins and it did it in…………………

23mins 45secs and I am thrilled!

IMG_1280 Arriving at the race venue, nervous, anxious and hoping I don’t muck it up!

IMG_1281 End of the race, tired but thrilled and so proud of myself!

P1030258  My number and my medal, so thrilled!

Next goal, I may try a 3km run in Dec, however that race needs to be run in a Santa’s Outfit, hmmm maybe not, watch this space!

Some items finished


Wow, my needles have been smoking! LOL!

I finally finished my Bainbridge Scarf, which I am thrilled about, here is the finished item :-

P1030247  The next photo is not great, but here is what it looks like on :-

P1030244  This was made with Louisa Harding Wool Silk, and is really silky smooth and lovely to knit with!  Only used 1.5 balls, so a good stash buster!

Glace by Rowan, is finally finished, and is currently being blocked, waiting to be sewn up!!  I am thrilled it is finished in terms of knitting, hoping to get it sewn up this week!

P1030251 Made with Jaegar extra fine merino aran, this was a great yarn to knit with. 

My mom finished the cardigan she was knitting for Luke, and it is just lovely.  She did not like the yarn, as she said it kept splitting it was Sirdar Calico, and here is the finished item :-

P1030253  P1030256  P1030243  And the little man modelling it!  Thanks Mum!!!

Craft update!


It is wonderful to actually be back crafting a bit more and best of all actually getting some projects finished!

I am attending a Beginners Patchworking course on the 17th and 24th Oct and I am really looking forward to it.  I have always wanted to try patchwork but never knew what I would use the quilt for?!?!  So I thought rather than make a quilt, why not go for a table runner and placemats for Christmas!  So that is my goal!

P1030217 I bought this advent calendar to make for Luke for Christmas this year.  I was hoping to cross stitch one, but to be honest I just don’t have the time to cross stitch, so I thought this would be the next best thing!  Looking forward to getting started on it!

P1030198  Here are the granny squares I have crocheted so far for a blanket I am making.  It is based on the Babette layout, but with granny squares instead.  It is probably going to take me a quite a while to do but I am enjoying it.  Can only really work on it when Luke is sleeping, as tends to pull all the yarn out of the box otherwise!

P1030202  My Fuzzy Feet are finally knitted up!  Can’t believe that when I put my mind to it, I got each one done in a little under 6 days each!  Amazing!  I know need to put them in the washing machine to felt and then they are totally done!

P1030205  P1030206  P1030207  This crochet bag is inspired by the pattern found on Attic24’s blog.  It is made from Patons Sorbet, and once done, I am hoping to line it with the following fabric :-


Right I think that is all my updates so far?  I have managed to finish a few projects recently, I completed my Bainbridge Scarf at last, and I am almost finished my tank top, Glace by Rowan as well!

Once I have done the Glace I want to cast on an easy peesee shawl and a jumper for Luke!  So watch this space!

My Son!


I can not believe my son is now 16mths 15days already!  He is slowly starting to try and say more and more, and the odd word slips out, which is great!  He is developing his own little personality now, which is just lovely, although he does seem to sometimes be experiencing the terrible twos early!

Here are a couple of pictures, taken over the last few weeks!

Luke, realising that whilst Mummy is on the phone it is quicker to use one’s hands to eat that a fork!

    P1030143  P1030144  P1030145

Riding a crocodile in Rendlesham Forest :-


Man in training, just missing the TV remote!




such a little word, with such alot of meaning!  Life over the last month or 6 weeks since my last post has been manic, calm, fraught, peaceful, stressful, in control, fun, tiring, enjoyable, and generally all over the place!

Thank goodness the summer holidays are over and we are now back in a proper weekly routine of nursery, swimming, work, singing, fitness and crafting!

The one part of my life that seems to be more up and down than any other is my weight-loss and exercise side!  I have been doing Bootcamp now for a while and I love it.  I had gotten into a really good routine of walking / jogging 2 – 3 times a week, attending buggyfit on Fridays and Bootcamp on Sat, my exercise routine was sorted!  Then………….I caught a mild chest infection, not bad enough to have me on medication, but bad enough to make me feel pretty rough and run down, and the exercise and weightloss routine has now gone!

Not great, especially as I have a 2.5kms fun run to do on Sunday 11th Oct and I have spent the last week on my backside!  I am hoping, to try and get out tonight and get this routine back on track, but once again I need to see how I am feeling!  Or maybe I need to just put the excuses aside and do it!!!!!!