Monthly Archives: December 2007

Where have I been?

I have to apologise for the recent neglect to my blog, but I have good reason!!! So where have I been………
here is a clue, we have a new family member joining us in May 2008? Yes I am pregnant and the last few months have been pretty tough to say the least! 8 tests later it finally sank in that I was pregnant!
I have had morning, night and sleeping sickness for about 5 – 6 weeks. Just nausea but bad enough! At least now being in the 2nd trimester I am feeling better and getting back to myself although the tiredness is still an issue!
So here are some scan pictures of Sixpence, taken at 12 weeks. Baby is due May 20th, which is my birthday!
Have not managed to do any crafting really since falling pregnant, as I tend to get motion sickness watching my needles or crochet hook! So baby knitting is falling onto my mom to do at the moment and I am hoping to return to it in the new year!