Monthly Archives: November 2010

Halloween / Bonfire Night


I know I have already mentioned the pumpkins we carved for Halloween, but I decided to do another post about it!

If you remember, my brother came and stayed the weekend before Halloween and we carved 3 pumpkins for Luke.

Remember these guys?  Well I was really disappointed with how long they actually lasted before going all rotten inside!  They were carved on Saturday and by Wednesday I had to throw them away!

So I made Luke another one!

Rather happy with this one considering I had no pattern and did it free hand!  It took pride of place on our front step on Halloween!

Now, trick or treaters, we had at least 50 and actually ran out of sweets and had to start rummaging through the drawers for other options!

Luke really enjoyed seeing all the costumes and giving out the sweets, but I will say, parents do need to teach their children manners.  When someone opens the door to give them sweets, they DON’T step in and just help themselves, they should wait until they are offered and given!  That really wound me up and I did tell a few kids off!

Then along came Bonfire night and Luke enjoyed seeing the fireworks going off round the house, so we decided to take him to a firework display on the Saturday night.  Hmm maybe not such a good idea!

This was the bonfire, before the firework display and Luke really liked watching the flames.

Then the fireworks started!

And we left!

And watched them from the car!

Yes, that is right, my son was so scared he wouldn’t even look at the sky, so we left about 10mins after it started and sat in the car and he was fine to watch it from his car seat!

Funny boy!

Then on Sunday night there were more going on outside our house and he was in his element!  Well he would of been, because he was in his house, safe and sound!

Needless to say, we still enjoyed the whole Halloween / Bonfire experience!

Chilford Quilt Show


Saturday 6th Nov, my dear friend Cheryl and I headed off to Chilford for the Autumn Quilt Festival.

I went last year on the Friday and have to say I hated it, it was so crowded, that I struggled to walk through with Luke’s buggy and the comments etc made for taking Luke were just awful!  Anyway enough about that!

This year I decided to go on Saturday and leave Luke at home with Daddy.

Cheryl and I set off at about 830am, and were at Chilford by 10am.  The drive was easy and uneventful.  When we got there, the first thing I noticed was that the car park had moved, and this time rather than parking in the large field car park, I could actually park in the normal visitors one.  The queue was really short and we must of waited about 10mins only, which was a welcome relief.

When we got inside it really was a welcoming shock!  There were no queues and we could move and better still we could actually get to the counters and browse!

Normally when I attend a show, I am really careful about what I buy, if I will use it, do I really need it, etc, etc!  This time, I decided, if I like it, I will buy it, end of!

So what did I get :-

I got some Christmas fabric for a Christmas Tree Box workshop I was attending, some road fabric, some animal alphabet fabric, Jolly Jungle by Makower, some patterns and of course the lovely book!

I was and still am thrilled with my purchases, and here they are close up!

Those are my Christmas fabrics, they are even more gorgeous in real life!

Here are the other fabrics :

I have the Jolly Jungle range as I am hoping to make Luke a quilt at some stage, but I had never seen this print, so I got a fat quarter of it, to make a brag book actually of Luke, again at some point!

One of the things I wanted was some car fabric for Luke, as I saw one a blog I read, a lady had made this carry all, actually this link may help explain it :-

I thought this would be great for Luke but made to accommodate cars etc, what do you think?

I thought this fabric would be really good for a brag book for Luke from birth!  It is just so cute!

I just fell in love with the wall hanging and had to have it.  It is actually a kit with everything I need, so really just need to get my sewing machine out and make it!

This hanger is for the above kit to be hung on when finished, isn’t it just adorable?

Isn’t this just the most adorable bag and needle holder you have seen?  I just love the red work, and had to have it!  Can’t wait to make them!

I saw this book in an Australian Homespun magazine and fell in love with it, and so searched it, as I really wanted to look inside, so to see it at the show, you could not prize it out my hand, I loved it, and hence why it is now mine!

As you can see overall I did have a good time and do hope to be able to make it to the Spring Festival in March ’11 but I am not sure as it falls on the same weekend as Hubby’s birthday!

Hope you have enjoyed seeing my purchases!