Filofax setup amendment!


After my trip to London and the Philofaxy meetup I have made some amendments to my Filofax setup!

I have labelled tabs!  Wow that is such a development!  You laugh but seriously I change my tabs all the time but now I have decided to label them and stick to them!

So we have :

Weekly Diary – which house my week on a page layout.  I had thought of getting the week per page with notes, but decided against it and instead I have a to do list on the opposite to my current week, if that makes sense?  If not here is a picture!

This is working so well for me I have to say!  I get to see my entire week on the right and my to do’s for the week on the left.  The highlighted ones are the ones that are now completed.  Please note this page is pre-pen purchase!!!  If you want to know more, check back this week for an update on what I am talking about!

Long Term To Do’s – houses all my to do’s like the books I want to read, my 101 days in 1001 list, photo’s I need to print out.

Short Term To Do’s are exactly that, things that need to be done in the month, not necessarily in the week!

Blog Posts – says it all really!  Do I need to explain?

Website Details – again do I need to explain?

My A – Z not only houses my contact details, but also things like my family’s holiday details, list of books I have for sale on Amazon as examples!

I then have a business card holder at the back that houses my stamps, jotter pad, pictures and smaller pieces of paper!

This current layout is working really well for me and I am loving it so far!  I think I have found my perfect planner setup!

10 responses »

  1. Excellent, I’m so jealous in a way… I want to get back to France to start reorganising my old A5 Finsbury in to my Property Search Filofax. And also sit down and decide on my set up for my new Malden.

    I’ve made an initial start though, I’m gathering together the pages I need to print out for my Finsbury in a separate folder and editing documents that will be printed out when we get back next week.

    There was something very motivating about Saturday that really has been a big wake up call for me… great. Thank you everyone.


  2. I love the labelling as well – I’ve just got numbers at the moment. Could you do a post about how you printed the labels? They look nice and glossy 🙂

  3. Great post! Planner Heaven: “This current layout is working really well for me and I am loving it so far! I think I have found my perfect planner setup!”

    The one obvious thing I do different is to have a separate contacts Filofax (currently: filofax personal malden – crimson) since all my contacts are on my cell phone which stays with me all the time. I noticed that I had a huge thick contacts portion so offloading it really helps me out in terms of portability of my everyday binder.

    P.S. I am liking your labeling mania (re: colorful pens) this week!

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